
Strangulation domestic code of va
Strangulation domestic code of va

Injured or sick animal action by veterinarian Article 2.1. Disposal of animals by means of decompression chamber and use of gas chamber for companion animals prohibited § 3.2-6504.1. Civil immunity forcible entry of motor vehicle to remove unattended companion animal Care of agricultural animals by owner penalty

strangulation domestic code of va strangulation domestic code of va

Care of companion animals by owner penalty State Veterinarian's power to inspect premises where animals are kept investigations and search warrants Article 2. Regulations for the keeping of certain animals Quick link to primary anti-cruelty law ( § 3.2-6570) The section requires companion animal owners to provide adequate care. The section has a misdemeanor animal cruelty law as well as a felony provision related to torture or willful infliction of cruelty. 3.2-6570, the operative animal cruelty law, animal means any nonhuman vertebrate species including fish except those fish captured and killed or disposed of in a reasonable and customary manner.

strangulation domestic code of va

(b) Any person who strangles, suffocates or asphyxiates another without that person’s consent and thereby causes the other person bodily injury or loss of consciousness is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $2,500 or imprisoned in a state correctional facility not less than one year or more than five years, or both fined and imprisoned.These Virginia statutes set forth Title 3.2, the Comprehensive Animal Care laws, which include the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions.

strangulation domestic code of va

“Asphyxiate” means knowingly and willfully restricting the normal breathing or circulation of blood by the application of pressure on the chest or torso. “Suffocate” means knowingly and willfully restricting the normal breathing or circulation of blood by blocking the nose or mouth of another and “Strangle” means knowingly and willfully restricting another person’s air intake or blood flow by the application of pressure on the neck or throat “Bodily injury” means substantial physical pain, illness or any impairment of physical condition Strangulation suffocation and asphyxiation definitions penalties.

Strangulation domestic code of va